
Covid-19 Update for Scotland’s digital tech sector – 7 April 2020

在博天堂入口,我们开始了4th 周 homeworking and it begins to feel like the new normal. 这部分也是 our regular updates for you on 新型冠状病毒肺炎 news that are of relevance to Scotland’s digital technologies sector. 这一次,我们有了一个创新 grant, furlough clarifications and updates on business loans and export 给你的保险.

Up to £50k grant available through new innovation funding 征集截止日期为4月17日

Innovate UK have launched a fast-track competition for businesses to develop innovative ideas that address 新型冠状病毒肺炎 related challenges 以及社会或经济的需要. This could include, for example, new solutions for musicians to stream live performances and connect with their fan base, technology that allows retailers to better respond to spikes in customer demand or new remote teaching tools for schools. 助学金将高达5万英镑 available and businesses can recover 100% of their project costs. 的项目 must start by June 2020 and can last up to 6 months. 产生的产品和 服务s are expected to be available to the public towards the end of 2020. 应用 至2020年4月17日中午. 详情请参阅: http://www.apply-for-innovation-funding.service.gov.uk/covid19/overview.html   

Clarifications on furlough and job retention scheme

The guidance on the Coronarvirus Job Retention Scheme has 周末更新. It now clarifies that all employees who were on an employer’s PAYE scheme on or before 28February 2020, which also includes agency workers and apprentices. 董事只有在以下情况下才能被暂时解雇 the company board formally decides so and notes this in the company records. Furloughed directors are not allowed to do any work, apart from carrying 法定职责.  定期聘用员工 contracts an only benefit from the scheme until their contracts end. 雇主 must confirm in writing to their concerned employees that they have been placed 休假多久. The furlough period must be at least three weeks long and employees can be furloughed multiple times, but each separate instance must be for a period of 3 consecutive weeks. 详情请参阅 在这里: http://www.gov.uk/guidance/claim-for-wage-costs-through-the-coronavirus-job-retention-scheme

Easier access to loans for small firms

After many businesses complained that they cannot access the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBLIS), the Chancellor announced on Friday that all viable small businesses affected by the pandemic can now get loans through the scheme, not just those unable to secure regular commercial 融资. To remove another obstacle, banks are no longer allowed to request personal guarantees for loans under £250,000. 个人贷款超过25万英镑 guarantees will be limited to 20% of any amount outstanding on the CBILS lending after any other recoveries from business assets. 这些更改适用于 new loan applications and loans already offered. 如何访问的指南 计划可在此查阅: http://www.british-business-bank.co.uk/ourpartners/coronavirus-business-interruption-loan-scheme-cbils-2/for-businesses-and-advisors/


The CBLIS mentioned above is limited to companies with an 年营业额高达4500万英镑. In order to also support larger firms, a new Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CLBILS) will be set up, aimed at companies with an annual turnover between £45m and £500m. 该计划提供了 政府ernment guarantee of 80% to enable banks to make loans of up to £25m, at 商业利率. More details of the scheme will be announced later in April, it is therefore likely to take some weeks before applications can be 使.

UK Government improves insurance cover for exporters

If you are selling to international customers, you might be interested to hear that UK Export Finance, Britain’s export credit agency, have expanded the scope of their Export Insurance 政策 to cover 市场s including the EU, US, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Canada 和其他人. The Export Insurance 政策 covers against the risk of not being paid under an export contract or not being able to recover the costs of fulfilling a contract that gets cancelled for certain reasons. 政策是 available to exporters that are unable to get cover through the commercial 市场. Further details and instructions on how to apply are available 在这里: http://www.gov.uk/guidance/export-insurance-policy
